We thank the Lord for preserving our lives to the last month of the year 2019. The month of December is a month of expectation, joy and celebration. It comprises the Seasons of Advent during which we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and Christmas during which we celebrate not only the birth of Christ but also the Holy Family of Nazareth. The month is one of stock-taking, self-evaluation and thanksgiving to God.
DISCLAIMER! – TRIDENTINE MASS AT MODELE COMPOUND, TEJUOSO STREET, LAGOS: We wish to call the attention of all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Lagos to a group that meets to celebrate the Tridentine Mass at Modele Compound, Near Zenith Bank Tejuoso Street, Surulere here in Lagos. They mislead people to believe that they have authorization to celebrate the Tridentine Mass and that it is an alternative place to the group that meets for Mass that holds at St Gregory College every Sunday.
We hereby call on all Catholics to be aware that this group, to all intents and purposes, is a schismatic group and is NOT IN COMMUNION WITH THE CHURCH. We hereby call on Parish Priests and Priests-in-Charge to bring this information to the awareness of their Parishioners. Anyone who participates in the activities of this dissident group does so at a risk to the authenticity of his or her catholic faith and practice. We encourage everyone to be vigilant so as not to give wolves in sheep clothing a chance to lead people astray with all the consequences for our salvation.
Advent and Christmas Seasons:
The Season of Advent is with us again. Advent starts the new Liturgical Year and is another opportunity to spiritually begin anew. There are particular themes in the Liturgy throughout Advent: a spirit of waiting, of conversion and joyful hope. It is a season of expectation and longing for the Messiah who is to come. We sing the song “O Come, O come, Emmanuel” with eager hope and longing, for our messiah who came to us first as a child in the manger and who has promised to come again. Let us therefore avail ourselves the opportunity that Advent provides to renew our relationship with the King who is to come so that we can reap the fruits of Christmas.
As we celebrate advent, we also await the Christmas Season which expresses the boundless love of God; a love that heralds hope, inaugurates peace, engenders faith, and establishes the triumph of justice. While we busy ourselves with traveling, shopping, partying, cleaning and other material preparations for Christmas we must not lose sight of its spiritual significance – the opportunity to encounter Jesus and embrace his offer of friendship and salvation.
Archdiocesan Advent Pilgrimage: The Advent Pilgrimage for this year will be hosted by the Lagos Region and to be organized by Lagos Island Deanery. Date: 14th December 2019
Venue: St. Gregory College, Obalende.
Time: 8:00am
All Priests and Lay Faithful are expected to attend and participate actively in this spiritual exercise. Parish Priests & Priests-in-Charge are requested to encourage their parishioners and arrange for their participation in large numbers
Augustine University (AUI) offers Prelim Studies: We again ask Parish Priests and Priests-in-charge to inform their parishioners that having obtained her Permanent License, the Augustine University, in collaboration with the Government Body responsible for Preliminary Studies in Nigeria, is offering opportunities for Prelim Studies to students who are preparing to enter University. This opportunity is for young people who sat for JAMB Exam but did not secure admission or those who are awaiting their results. The advantage for those who do the Preliminary Studies is that they will be able to go on straight to 200 level of their Course of choice in the university. For more information about this, interested persons should contact the University, the University website or the Directorate of Education.