Parish Announcements – 16th April, 2023

  1. CHARITY/LOVE BOWL: We wish to remind our parishioners to return their Lenten Charity/ Love bowls to St Vincent de Paul Society. Let us endeavor to be committed. Remember; “whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me”.
  1. CHARITY/LOVE BOWL: Today is our parish Mother\’s Day thanksgiving and celebration. It will begin with the Holy Mass at 10:30am, and a Love Feast will follow immediately after the mass at the Upper Hall.  Please come with food, snacks and drinks to share with others. We are all invited and encouraged to celebrate our mothers.
    Through Mary our Mother, ……………. We Succeed!!!
  1. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: We encourage you our dear parishioners to make your offertory via bank transfer to the parish account: Fidelity Bank, 5080032193 or the P.O.S. before or after the mass.
  1. PARISH OFFICE: This is to inform all parishioners that the Parish Office will resume tomorrow for Mass Bookings, Parish Registration and other payments/Pledge redemption(s).
  1. CHILDREN MASS: Parents and Guardians are encouraged to take their children to attend the 8am Children Mass at the Upper Hall. Church wardens are to direct them accordingly.
  1. 2022 HARVEST: The Harvest Committee for last year’s Harvest of Divine Peace is winding down their accounts. All those who made pledges should kindly redeem them by cash, cheque or POS at the Harvest Stand (on Sundays) and Parish Office (during the week). You can as well transfer directly to the Harvest Account: HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, HARVEST, ZENITH- 1014506326.
  1. PARISH UNIFORM: Our high-quality parish uniform is now available at the entrance of the new Church Building (on Sundays) and Parish Bookshop (during the week). Price: 8,000 naira only. Limited quantity available.
  1. CHURCH KNEELERS: We wish to humbly appeal to you our dear parishioners to please kindly avoid stepping on the kneelers in the church and to gently lower them when during usage.
  1. HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PARISH LIBRARY: We are pleased to inform you that the Anthony Cardinal Okogie Reference (Parish) Library located beside the Anthony Cardinal Okojie Lower Hall is here to serve you better. At very affordable prices, we offer the following services: Photocopying, Lamination, Binding, Spiral Binding, Typing, Printing, Colored Photocopy etc. We also offer a vast range of books ranging from Literature to Accounting to Economics and a lot more. Working Hours: Mondays to Fridays. Time: 9am- 4pm. God bless you as you patronize us. For further enquiries on how to use to library or any of its services, please call: 09036389533 or 08169228063 (Ms. Chinwe).
  1. (1%) ONE PERCENT BIBLE CHALLENGE: We wish to encourage all Parishioners to read and study the word of God for at least 15minutes every day; which is about 1% of 24 hours. For this week, we shall be continuing with the Gospels of Luke & John, then Acts of the Apostles. Take up this challenge faithfully as stated below and be enriched spiritually.
Day/Month Bible Passages
16th April Luke Chapter 24
17th April John Chapter 20
18th April John Chapter 21
19th April Acts Chapter  1
20th April Acts Chapter  2
21st April Acts Chapter  3
22nd April Acts Chapter  4
23rd April Acts Chapters 5 & 6
  1. RETURN TO THE SACRAMENTS: We wish to encourage those who have been estranged from the sacraments for one reason or the other especially the Holy Eucharist, to return to the Sacraments. Kindly meet any of the Priests if you are having any difficulty in this regard. May Christ grant us life through His Body and Blood. Amen.

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